Number of loans recorded since April 2019

Number of items available to borrow


Thursday’s 3-5 pm

RETURNS are due in the FIRST HOUR and pick ups in the SECOND.

We usually have members working together on Saturday mornings from 8.30 – 11 and they can self serve items to borrow.  If you are not a member yet we encourage you to sign up to attend a Saturday morning activity to ‘try before you buy’ so to speak as these 2.5 hour sessions are how most members contribute either half or all their 5 hours per month time committment.

It’s a THINK GLOBAL, ACT LOCAL initiative.  The planet is buckling under the weight of human demands for more and more resources to be extracted, transported, manufactured, used then disposed of at alarming rates.

We offer locals the opportunity to radically reduce their ecological footprint by borrowing instead of buying.  Together our members love caring for and finding ways to extend the sharing outside the household memberships.   

Our current Membership offer is:

>>6 month membership

>>$1 per week &

>>a little over an hour of your time each week*. 


The $26 monetary fee is paid on joining (and thereafter on renewal each six months and the time contribution can be paid in a variety of ways – generally speaking members should expect to do at least one 2.5 hour shift working on site per month. 

>>  We require a mix of coordinators and workers to make the magic happen! 

>>  Coordinators usually split their hours between planning/organising/doing off site and working a shift on site.     

>>  On Thursday’s there are critical roles for fortnightly ‘Shift Workers’.  These are dedicated librarians and maintenance crew who ensure all returning loans are thoroughly checked and membership records are kept in order. 

>>  On Friday’s we sometimes run Make & Mend – Odd Jobs & Banter as a collaborative event with our sister project, Salvage Culture.  This takes place in the Salvage Culture Workshop at the Community College accross the road.  This involves sewing machines, gaffa tape, glue and staple guns as primary tools.  Our inhouse Repair Cafe:)

>>. The Library of Stuff Co op offers support and sponsorships to local community groups and other non profit organisations.   This service is intended to assist these groups by helping them avoid costly commercial hire fees or potentially feeling under pressure to use throw away items instead like cups, plates, cutlery etc.   If you would like to enquire about borrowing items for a group or org please use the contact form below.

*Membership is for a household with up to 3 adults –  5 hours time contribution between all household members per month.  Concession for the time contribution will be considered for single adult households.  Please get in touch if you would like to request this.

Contact Us Here

Coordinators organise monthly activities



Workers attend activities organised by coordinators 

Our stories

From Community Service to Co op.

The graph below is from the Australian Library of Things Network (ALOT) first survey of Australian share libraries.  It was published earlier this year.  It's easy to see why most others are still comfortable operating with just 5-10 dedicated volunteers.  We grew...

Come Visit!

Come along to our Open Day to see first hand the range of quality items we have to share!  As a co operative all household members have full access to the Library inventory. Most items can be borrowed for two weeks at a time and most items are free to borrow.  Only...

When we share we empower and that underpins wellbeing

A Research Paper by Margot Kelly "The sharing network of the LoS allows individuals to be more sustainable in their personal lives. This mode of sustainability, the reduction of consumption and waste, increases the wellbeing of library users, as this method of...

Recalibrating Our Operation to Better Align With Our Capacity & Purpose

We have been working to find a sustainable model of operation since before the flood.  Try as we have the current reality is that we either close altogether or continue serving our non profit members and local waste wise event operators by asking our Active Members to...

Thank you to our Supporters

The following champions have all pitched in recently, to help support the Library so that we can keep on supporting our community. An anonymous member donated two 6 amp Makita batteries, brand new, when she learned that we had lost a box full of Makita batteries in...

Buy or Borrow Good Quality = Acting on Climate Change

People love our Library.  They love the idea of community.  Of sharing and making good quality items accessible to many people who might not otherwise be able to afford to buy them.  Many understand but it also comes as a surprise to others the direct impact of our...

We prepared for the flood but now we need your help : Part 1 Makita batteries

You might have seen our story about Paul, our Inventory Manager and our preparations for flood in late February? We put items back to their normal spot days after that post then decided to go back in and lift it all up again on the Saturday afternoon before the Monday...

Free 6 month membership for any flood impacted locals

If you or anyone you know has been affected by the floods, please become a member of the Library for FREE, for the next 6 months.  We are here to support the community, during the good times and the hard one's. We have so many items available for people to borrow. For...

Paul & Preparedness

Meet Paul. Paul is our Inventory Manager. Paul is pictured in our tool room where we moved all items that would be damaged by flood to higher ground. We know it’s not a question of if but when the hall will flood again and we exist to support our community with our...
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